About Me

I’m here to help you grow your business, get more efficient, build your teams and reach new customers, following the time-tested best practices with a Biblical foundation.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Steve TinlinExecutive Leader, Entrepreneur, Mentor and Coach – specializing in Fractional Sales Leadership through the lens of Christian principles.

Steve Tinlin Executive Sales Leader of Sunrise Strategies

303-478-6225 Cell/Text


Steve is a seasoned sales professional with over 30 years of experience in all levels and functions of the sales process.  Spanning sales from the highly transactional to the 7-figure plus enterprise sale, he has found basic truisms that lead to optimized sales results across verticals, industries and deal size.

Steve, most enjoys the world of the start-up, emerging growth and fix-it environments.  “Preparing the current business for the smoothest possible transition through the key inflection points of company growth is the most important thing we can do to insure growth.”

Steve has been most impactful in bringing process underneath strategy to make the sales organization not only effective but efficient.  This approach recognizes that all facets of the sales engine work together, and when harmonized, create the best result with the least investment. Developing future leaders is among Steve’s proudest endeavors.

While focusing primarily on sales in business, Steve’s versatility has enabled him to help clients when the engagement focus is on additional key aspects of the business including finance, marketing, M&A, operations and coaching.

Steve earned his Masters in Business Administration from Driehaus College of Business at DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois, and has been a C-Level leader for several companies. He enjoys working out, reading, camping, hunting cryptoids in the woods, and listening to old rock and roll and country (especially The Rolling Stones and Willie Nelson).

If you’re looking for someone to help strengthen your sales force, improve your sales process or want to outsource the sales management function, contact Steve today.

Endorsement from Heather Baynes, Enterprise Sales Leader:

Whenever I’ve needed outside assistance in my past 20+ years as a sales leader, I have called Steve Tinlin. His calm, engaging, “let’s get this done” manner gets to the root of the issue quickly. He asks just the right strategic questions to uncover and target opportunities and has tactical suggestions for what I need to implement in order to impact the business.

In every interaction, I come away having learned something new. No matter the business question, Steve is the guy to go to for the answer. I believe that surrounding myself with a trusted circle of experts is a key to success and Steve is the first one I call in that circle.

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TEXT or CALL Now for a Free 15-Minute Acceleration Session 303.478.6225